Sunday, December 28, 2014

Awakened to Shalom and Joy Overflowing

The other night I woke up as usual for my mid-night time of prayer.  The stillness for that special time of prayer is so precious.  Abba's voice is so sweet.  Often, He does more of the talking than I do.  Of course, the adherents of psychology would say I'm crazy, but that's okay.  Our Heavenly Father was speaking to His people long before Freud and Jung were born, and long before James Dobson brought us "Christian Psychology."  That particular term seems to be an oxymoron.   I usually go back to sleep after our mid-night time of communion, and Thursday morning I awoke to shalom and joy that truly did pass all understanding.

Morning chores were such a delight!  My Buddy Buck has taken a turn for the ornery, so I had planned to move him to the "naughty pen."  Even being ornery with the herd, he heard me call him and came right to me. Although he's being good to me, he still had to be separated from the girls.  His accommodations, to which I referred as the naughty pen, has all the amenities of the pasture with the exception of female company.  Everything that morning just went to smoothly.

As I went through my chore pattern which could be described almost as ritualistic, so I don't omit or overlook anything, a thought came to mind.  This homesteading project has not gone at all as I first thought it would nearly ten years ago.  Through those times of things turning out differently, I often k'vetched [complained.]  Yet, the reality is, it's turned out so much better than I imagined when I stepped into this plan!  I've been forgiven for complaining, but the reality is, complaining requires forgiveness, and . . . repentance!   The fact of forgiveness just washed over the joyful shalom I was already enjoying.  Our Heavenly Father is awesome.  Y'hshuwah Messiah truly is King of kings and Lord of lords.  There is none on all the earth that compares to Him.

My life isn't perfect, but oh my!  Since I've been following Messiah, my worst days now are better than my best days used to be.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love YHWH, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

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