Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Plan

Sometimes I don't feel very princessesque.  Even worse, sometimes I don't want to feel very princessesque.  Seems this time of year, I want to just kind of snuggle in for the winter in some uniquely layered ensemble and not even leave the place.  I've gotten to enjoy two winters, not consecutively, of doing what I call wribernating.  Since humans can't actually hibernate, I enjoy doing the next best thing.  I love to snuggle in next to the fire, drink coffee all day and write, thus wri/bernate.

There isn't really a very long winter season in my neck o' the woods.  Still not frost yet, in late October and the planting season officially begins February 14th.  So at most, there's only about 3 1/2 months, I'm not tending a garden, and usually the kids start arriving mid January.  Through my short winter hiatus I, of course, do chores, spend time with Abba, and maintain my online responsibilities, but coming very soon is the season in which I just enjoy a less than casual appearance that is not really fit for polite society.

When I see the photos of the northern states, I realize this could be why YHWH didn't call me there.  When I knew He was calling me to relocate, at first I didn't know if it was Montana or Southern Missouri.  He very quickly made sure I understood, north was not the intended direction.  When I read some of the comments of the other contributors who are up north, I just shake my head and snuggle in a bit further.  I have not driven in snow since 2004!  I'm not bragging or complaining, just very, very thankful.

Since living agriculturally, winter for me has a time of introspection and planning implementation.  The longer I serve YHWH, the more I've come to realize the original plan is not mine, but His.  He does, however; expect me to use the gifts and talents He placed in me to bring the plan to fruition.  I spent this past Shabbat alone in very restful contemplation.  I thanked my Heavenly Father for many things, and I communed with Y'hshuwah, but it's their day off too!  I just felt I didn't need to be too chatty and I didn't need any reassurance that I belonged to Him.  It really was an interesting day of rest.

Next spring will be a very important planting season, in that it is "preparation year."   I had no idea what I was doing last Shemitah, agriculturally speaking, and there was the usual debate about which year it was, but this time, I'm not entertaining the confusion.  I feel I've been preparing for this preparation year since I moved from the smaller place to this one.  My heart's desire is to simply be where my Abba wants me in His plan, even if that means snowed in til March or no wribernating at all!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Guest Princess

We are so delighted to feature a guest contributor, Nancy King, here in Peculiar Princess.  Nancy shares so eloquently, what it is to be the daughter of the King of the universe.

I Am…

He says, I am His…                             

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Princess Ideas

I am learning the best ideas, of course come from our King.  I am also learning, the best ideas come when they will meet a need.  The King of the Universe is very efficient!  He doesn't need a huge inventory to work with.  I keep this continually in mind with my life and business.  There are some things in which inventory is required to be ready and other things made in advance will only be outdated and ineffective when the need arises.

As so many are considering a more independent and natural approach to life, I can share just a few ideas for an example.  Some, I've learned the hard way, but those are getting fewer and farther between.  Thank Adonai for that!  As a business woman I have two types of product, those that need "curing" time, but are virtually nonperishable.  Then there are the other products that are formulated fairly quickly, but have a relatively short shelf life.  That's right, it's both ends of the continuum with little between.

When it comes to living off the land, there is considerable planning involved to be successful, and it's rather meticulous at the beginning and the end product, but again in between it's just a matter of the time it takes.  I plan my garden spots in the fall, and the produce I plan to raise.  Some, are automatic, like the early stuff, but the amount of beans, number of tomatoes and peppers depends upon this year's harvest and how much I've preserved.  I don't need more than I can use and share, reasonably.  It's entirely too expensive to try to ship canning.  That's an "in person" kind of sharing.

So much of our society is now based upon instant and whim, that it seems peculiar to make plans beyond "the week-end," but the King of the Universe has a plan, on a grand scale and for each individual.  The first time I saw this "saying" it spoke volumes to me.  Now I won't get it verbatim, but the concept has stayed with me.

                           "Failure to plan, is the plan for failure"

Monday, October 7, 2013


As the daughter of The Eternal King, I'll always be a princess.  I'll never be a queen.  Besides, Queen Elizabeth has already been done . . . twice.  As I sat in my home this week-end, the matriarch of four generations, I pondered the unique circumstances of what it is to be the daughter of the King who will never die.  Of course, I could live to see more generations to follow me, but there is no more advanced title in the family of YHWH.
Joint heirs with Messiah for us females is to be a princess, whether we are 20 or 120.  As an "everlasting princess" I have a royal responsibility.  Which is to make sure the next generations know the Prince of Peace shed his royal blood that they too can be Peculiar Princesses!