Sunday, September 29, 2013

I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy . . .

Down in my heart, down in my heart . . .

As I enjoyed the week of Sukkot, I kept hearing that song from childhood.  I live a rather silent existence, although my goats do communicate with me, and I know my dog Hank actually tries to talk.  That can be verified with the UPS driver, as he's noticed and commented as well.  Most of my regular human interaction is through the internet, so my verbal communication skills actually seem to be waning, or maybe it's the lesson of a lifetime in bridling my tongue.  It's much easier to look at words before hitting send than to try to regather them after they leave one's lips.

Every morning of Sukkot, I awoke to the sounds of nature and the awareness that this was a very special time.  The only thing missing this Sukkot, was an "in person" gathering.  I've attended those and hosted those in the past, but this year many of us "gathered by internet."  With laptops, smartphones, and Ipads may of us  "technoshipped" from our sukkah.  It was a time of celebrating and rejoicing.  I was happy for those who were enjoying gatherings in person and very thankful for the technology to share with so many of us who were sukkotin' solo!

As I spent time in the orchard or with the animals, I felt even more tuned into just how simple this life could be and how little we actually need to be content.  Please hear me, like most Americans, I've got plenty more than I need, but a week of "facilities" beyond where I was staying was a reminder of the conveniences we take for granted.  Also realizing, that although I am still pretty active and walking well, I do not have the physical agility or the balance to have participated in some of the sukkot gatherings I read about.

I like to think YHWH is preparing me, my verbal skills or absence thereof, and my physical capabilities or lack, for the gathering I'll participate in next year.  It's too early to make the plans, but knowing there are so many who ended up sukkotin' solo, we may just be able to gather next year together.  As I looked at the recipe for my traditional Sukkot Moussaka and the harvest of aubergine, I realized Moussaka for one just isn't a practical dish.  We'll see what transpires as the seasons change.

Sukkot is such a joyous celebration, culminating in Simchat Torah, which is Rejoicing in the Written Instructions.  The only sorrow I experienced was in realizing how quickly the week went.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Business Decision

As I'm expanding my product line at Tribally Yours, I decided G-ma's Goatmilk Soap could use an expansion, as well.  A door into several communities has opened and this princess feels led to walk through them.  As this unfolds, I've discovered  that soap making is as calming as ironing is for me.  So much so, it's practically replaced it!

The second anniversary of my business venture was September 14, and although I've not made Procter and Gamble nervous; I've certainly learned a lot in the past two years and grown.  Fortunately, the products were good to begin with and the improvements have been really enjoyable, not only to me, but to customers and clientele.  I've learned about myself in this deal too.  I've learned where to take advice and where to just smile and say thank you.  I've truly enjoyed being able to offer a good and natural product, at a reasonable price.  I can't get over how much some "natural products" cost!

I'm all excited about two new products I'm designing.  Available soon will be a "winter care package" as well as a "gift basket for the new baby," but a new ministry opportunity is what really has me excited.  I'm going to be able to work with young people who don't have a great deal of support in their corner, so to speak.  I've come to a fuller understanding, Scripturally, when YHWH commands us to take care of the widows and fatherless.  Most of us consider the fatherless to be orphans, but that isn't necessarily the case, especially, here in our society.  There are a number of fatherless households, and many of them have very young, struggling mothers as the head.  

There is a need to offer young people some basic life skills and necessities.  Soap is one of those requested necessities, as well as sharing the fact that our Creator has given each of us a talent and a purpose.  So, I'm changing my inventory.  G-ma's Goatnilk Soap will still come in all the wonderful varieties, but the bars will be more uniform and bigger, while the ones that "don't make weight" are still good sized bars, and will serve to address this need in the community.

I don't mean to sound too strange here, but all of my soap recipes contain some olive oil, some more than others.  I pray as I formulate my products that the lives of the customers and clients these products touch, will be blessed.  The wrappers have Scripture and I stand on the promise that the Word of YHWH does not return void.  I believe this is going to be a wonderful blessing for young people who really feel they are overwhelmed before they are even getting started.

When I saw the "vision" of this program, I saw a great many opportunities and certainly some good intentions.  Good intentions for our youth, however; are not enough.  This community program needs the presence YHWH, and the young people certainly need His Son.   In the last verses of Matthew, Messiah said we were to, Go . . . and He'd be with us!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

No, Never Alone

The Goshen Gazette is blessed to have Beth Rank included as one of our steadfast contributors.  I am blessed to call her, friend and sister.  The article she wrote this week, just seems so fitting to be featured in "The Peculiar Princess."  I hope and pray you enjoy this as much as I did.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

About Choice

The first sermon I formally preached was entitled "Choose to be Chosen" based upon the Scripture 1 Peter 2:9-11, which also just happens to contain the adjective, peculiar, as in people generally, princess specifically!  Interesting how this has come full circle in eighteen years.

I now publish many "sermons" and am very grateful to be able to work from home.  I gave a bit more insight as to this awesome blessing in my article in "The Other 1%."  Working at home, means I can literally do anything my heart desires to do; and my heart desires to serve my King, who just happens to be King of Kings, a.k.a. King of the universe.  Working from home affords me a great variety of interests and activities that I truly would not have, any other way.  Not only am I able to work in a variety of endeavors, I am also able to accomplish a great many mundane household chores and personal activities that would "be waiting for me" after work, if I worked away from home.

Hair washing day for me is the one day, I don't do alot on line because I can't wear a head covering while my hair is drying and it's an all day project at best.  Therefore internet discourse, which I consider to be speaking publicly, is limited.  That's the day I do my other things.  Besides it's usually the day after the big publication, so I'm all screened and keyboarded out for a day.  I love the way YHWH has arranged my schedule!

This past Monday was delightful.  I'm reorganizing my soap business to make shipping more uniform, so every new batch of soap is aimed for the bars to be the same dimensions.  So many of my projects seem to be a learn as I go adventure, but that's okay, as long as I'm learning . . . So here I am out in my soap making space, with my hair drying in the most wonderful house dress on the planet.  It was hand made by a wonderful seamstress, and the fact that I ended up with this is a blessing, which came gift wrapped in insults.

 As I mixed and measured, I thought of how many gifts I missed out on before I was walking with YHWH, because I chose to be offended.  I'm not one to hold a grudge, but I do like to avoid rejection and insult as often as possible, but this particular incident taught me something more.  My last husband's family did not like me, they didn't want him to marry me, and after the wedding, their views didn't change, and they made sure I was aware of that.  I shouldn't say his entire family, just the immediate members, with the exception of his brother, and he had the most wonderful Aunties, just precious women.

Shortly after the marriage, one of the Auntie's took very ill and passed.  In her belongings was the house dress that I referred to earlier.  I've made mention in the past of not being a small woman.  So, after the "real family," the blood kin went through everything, I was offered this house dress that Aunt Doris had made in her "bigger years."  I was so delighted to have any memento at all from this lovely lady, I accepted the insults that came along with it.  First, my then husband's mother informed me it was just way too big on her, and it just swallowed my then sister-in-law, and no one else would fill it out . . . so they naturally thought of me.  Well, praise YHWH, I didn't even entertain the thoughts that knocked at my brain, I was simply so thrilled.  Truth be told, it will go around me twice, but that makes no difference.  I am thrilled to have been so blessed.

Now all these years later, muddy water under the burnt bridges, I still delight in having known this lovely woman, and my sentimental house dress is my choice, for special hair drying days, only!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Kind of Day!

The Gregorian calendar read Tuesday, August 27, 2013.  The calendar of YHWH, according to various perspectives is varied, as always . . . I believe it was the 21st day of the 6th month.  It was one glorious day.  I had so much to do and it was all so varied, which is right up my alley!  I awoke early to a time of prayer and devotions.  I like to begin the day early with my Heavenly Father.  It is so wonderful to be seeking Him as the day dawns.

I have my little morning ritual regarding my coffee making.  Nobody in their right mind would put up with the way I do it, but like perked coffee, not drip.  So, I have a Corning Ware stove top percolator.  That requires me to pay attention, or clean up my stove top, so I have just the right amount of time to turn the stove on high, brush my teeth and get dressed before it begins to perk.  The sound changes as the first "perk" takes place, then I turn the stove down to low, and head out to do the morning chores.  I realize my quirks are not necessarily noteworthy, but by the same token, we do all have our little routines and uniquenesses, even oddities that are just the way we are.  I love going out the door and talking to the critters.  When they hear the door open, they each express their own morning greeting.  My, I sort of headed down and unexpected tangent, but it was the groundwork for a great day.

As I finished the chores, I noticed some okra was ready, so I picked it and headed into the house.  The day was brimming with activity and opportunity.  I had one peck of beans already snapped in preparation for canning, and several orders for a new product that has been so popular, I already had to make another batch.  Last year when I broke my arm, I developed a great natural topical pain reliever, and folks are liking the product.  The day was looking great!  There were three article ideas bouncing in my head for the next edition of the Goshen Gazette, as well as the need to take some mail to town.

Once the green beans were in jars in the canner, I set the timer and went to the lab to start making the CHINICREEN.  I realize this sounds strange, but I was just so excited to be able to be so busy and so much being accomplished.  It didn't take long to get the product made and the orders filled, so I had a bit of time to begin my articles.  The timer sounded as I was finishing up the titles and topics, so it was time to get ready to go to town.  There was just an air of excitement as to how efficient this day was going and I just knew my steps were ordered by Abba.

I realized how late it was in the month, and I probably wouldn't be out again before the 1st, so I stopped and paid the electric bill.  I'm not fully off grid, but the wind and solar offer a notable reduction.  I am blessed to only have two bills and month and both can be paid locally, so that's efficient as well.   Took the shipping orders to the Post Office, headed to the farm store, and then to what I'd call a Surplus Store on the outskirts of a town in my neighboring state.

Just a fun fact, here.  I had called earlier to find the address of this place and asked where they were from the larger town I'd be in.  He told me seven miles due west across the state line.  I got on 7th Street in one town in one state, went due west, and the street number never changed in the next town or state.  I was in search of pots for the green house for the winter, and found them at a bargain price!

Headed for home, and arrived in time to get a big glass of ice cold water before chore time.  The critters and I enjoyed the evening as always, then I came in, poured a glass of wine, thanked the King of the Universe for such a wonderful day, and sat down to write this article.  It truly was my kind of day!