Sunday, February 24, 2013

Today I Thanked YHWH

I thank my G-d, every day, but today was a special thank you. I thanked Him for making me a princess, because truth be told, I was already peculiar . . . I am a very spiritual individual and was created as such, but all spirituality is not G-dly. As I did the chores this morning, I thought of how peaceful, how serene it is here in the Land of Goshen. I enjoy being home, and I appreciate the fact that I come in contact with hundred and thousands of people a month, but I get to live in the country, and have the option of seclusion, at least at times.

After I thanked Him, I envisioned myself living a parallel lifestyle, only a different spiritual direction. I believe every problem and solution in life is spiritual, on some level, so the glimpse I had was a diametrically opposing spiritual lifestyle. Rather than answering questions at AllExperts, I pictured myself answering a psychic hot-line, because spiritually we will serve a master, and I'm not one that is satisfied serving self . . . The I pictured living in town and my neighbors probably finding me stranger than the crazy cat lady; in that I'm friendly, but I only leave the place every couple of weeks. If I didn't have a garden, I'd have to get tomato soup by the case, a couple of jars of peanut butter, saltines work with both, and 50 pounds of dogfood once a month; for a dog nobody would see or hear, because Hank's a night owl and he very rarely barks . . .

I believe we truly do live a parallel spiritual life until we come to G-d's plan for us. I know without YHWH, I was still a novelty and oddity, so I just kept trying and trying . . . to not be seen or noticed. Now, I just want to please Him, and He calls His people, peculiar. I can be who He created me to be, and not worry about the adjectives. He created humans to be spiritual beings, then He allowed us the choice as to what spirit we will listen and serve.

Many do enjoy lavishing themselves with worship and offerings, and they want others to do the same, although I'd hardly say they appreciate it. I believe Proverbs refers to it as folly and mockery. As a matter of fact, I've noticed those who worship their spirit of self, resent anyone who doesn't join them in worship and offerings. I've also discovered these self worshipping individuals are more demanding of time and expense than YHWH's simple request of first fruits.
I've also met many folks who follow other spirits, outside of themselves, believing it is the humanitarian effort of intellectual tolerance. I love intelligence, I believe it's a gift from our Creator, so again, we can serve Him and maintain our logic and intelligence. I am so sad that has been misled by so many, for so many . . .

Then of course, and I've met some of them, there are those people who say very religious things, and come across quite similar aiming for their position of peculiarity, offending to feel persecuted, speaking gibberish and grandiosity claiming a higher spiritual understanding and "authority." Well, I agree with Einstein on that one.
"If you don't understand it well enough to explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough!" I'll also quote Paul in that regard, especially when it comes to religious spirituality. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." II Corinthians 11:14.

Folks who are peculiar by design of their Creator don't have to put on airs . . . and the most memorable peculiar princes and princesses I've seen, never drew attention to themselves, but they were a notable presence, not to be forgotten!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Beauty From Ashes

I heard You make beauty from ashes

So I'm giving this pile to you

I've carried them with me for so many years

They were all I had to hold on to...

But I've seen your Word leap off of the paper

Promises you've made have come true

I've felt the peace I can't understand

And the depth of Your love completely through...

So, why not accept this promise?

Either all or none of Your Word is true

And from this day forward, when the devil sets a fire

I'm bringing the ashes to You...


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Funny How Things Work

If you saw me, you might not see me as "princess" material. Well, I didn't see myself that way for a long time either, but turns out, I am. I am a Pecuiar Princess, and I'm not alone in that! This is the time of year we are reminded of what Esther did in the Persian Empire, and celebrate that awesome deliverance of her people. I know several women who fancy themselves to be Esthers. I never really saw myself that way, but I did enjoy the discovery that my birthday on the Biblical calendar is mentioned in the book of Esther. Now, last year around this time, a bit earlier, I heard YHWH tell me to enlarge my tent. I'm a literal person, so I figured it was obviously time to add on to the home place.

My daughter, who is very much a princess in her own rite, was talking about relocating to this area, so I naturally assumed the additions would be to accommodate her family while they found or built their own place. We all know the break down of the word ASSUME, right? Back to my enlarged tent. It is awesome. There is an east wing off of the kitchen, which I call the "nook" and it also holds this computer I'm typing on with a book case, etc. so my office is practically a part of the kitchen. I refer to the office portion as the "off nook." In this expansion, there is also now a west wing. My house is white, so wings seem appropriate. Anyway, here I thought this would serve as a sort of family room/extra bedroom, also with a computer, and there are futons all around. But there was a glitch. There always is, and this one was huge! Upon seeing all the effort and expense invested, my daughter changed her mind, of course.

Hardly a big surprise, but I knew two things. She always changes the plans and G-d had never told me it was for them, when He said to expand the tent. Now, I have to admit, it came as quite a blow at first, but life went on, and it has gone on exponentially. Every time I turn around, I realize, there is another opportunity. When I'm not emotionally drained from attempting to appease and accommodate, I have energy to embrace those opportunities. Peculiar Princesses have no business trying to appease and accommodate visitors of other kingdoms. We are to walk in the authority of the kingdom of heaven.

As I bake something special to commemorate Purim, and Esther's brave step, I am also stepping out, "for such a time as this." There are two other Peculiar Princesses who have worked hard to collate this ezine and expand their outreach as well. The west wing addition is now a studio for online radio and video, as well as the future home of those with a passion to serve YHWH in these end of days. I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce two very special Princesses whom our Creator calls, Precious and Peculiar. Linda Marte and Terrie Carpenter are contributing journalists to this ezine and we look forward to working together to bring you everything from headlines to recipes, from encouragement to warnings.