Sunday, January 25, 2015


This is a subject in which I am not claiming any expertise, whatsoever.  Scripture says we are to be modest, with very little detail as what that actually entails.  I'll describe my own appearance, but I'm also going to give the reasons for my choice.  I want to align my appearance with Scripture, but in true Scriptural obedience, I would be remiss to insist anyone else dress as I do.   Before I continue, much of what defines a woman's modesty is the way she carries herself and conducts her behavior.

I wear a skirt and top, with an overblouse.  I don't do that because I believe slacks are unacceptable, I do it because I have a complex about my own appearance of femininity.  I can't help but wonder if many of the so-called definitions of modesty are really based more upon a hang-up than a sense of propriety.  The women of Orthodox Judaism as well as some Christian denominations insist that long sleeves are to be worn.  As we women get older, life shifts.  I'll be honest here, I wear sleeves, because my upper arms are stereotypically now "grandma arms."  I don't believe young women or even older women are being immodest if their arms are not covered.  Shoulders revealed can have sexual overtones, but that is not always the case.  Summer sundresses come to mind, not as immodest or seductive, but simply carefree.

In mentioning skirts, of course, length does determine modesty, and so does style.  A very form fitting skirt can be immodest.  As I write this, I feel like I'm offering all sorts of potential issues, and that is not the intent. I haven't even addressed form fitting blouses and head coverings . . . We certainly do not need to take tips on modesty from Islam.  There is nothing wrong with a woman of YHWH looking attractive.  We know Naomi sent Ruth to Boaz looking and smelling nicely.  Esther was actually in a beauty regimen for several months.  Sarah was beautiful, even in her golden years.  Abba created women to have a beauty about them, and there's no shame in that.

Some women feel more comfortable with their head and hair covered, and that's fine, but it's not Torah.  Paul said a woman should have her head covered to pray or prophesy in public.  I, personally, cover my head, but leave my hair hanging long, when in public . . . to be ready to pray or give a word.  It's not Torah, so it's not etched in stone!  When it comes to modest tops, since women are not all built the same, there is no single answer.  I don't believe we are called to diminish our form, but by the same token we should certainly not be putting ourselves on display.

When Messiah said to "be ready," I believe that also includes our appearance.  An easy way for a woman to determine what it is to dress modestly, is to assess whether her attire is functional to be about the Father's business.

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