Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Replace Rather Than Repair

As life is moving forward, and the calamity of last week's Sabbath has abated, rather than repair the deck, it will be replaced.  The flooring itself may have had a couple more good years in it, but the gate is a complete goner and the railings are wobbly.  Mr. B and I had already discussed calling a guy we knew for an estimate, but somehow that just never came to fruition.  The goats provided the motivation to get serious about replacing the deck, but for some reason I just couldn't get around to calling the guy.

I designed the first deck and it was a homemade project.  It held up well through a move and being resized for the addition, but enough is enough.  The idea of more pedestrian traffic here in the Land of Goshen brought the realization, there is just no need to repair a deck that I already know will need to be replaced in two years.  I'm getting practical like that . . .

I've become intensely aware of Abba directing my steps to blessings, through what first appears to be an inconvenience or problem.  As we were coming home from town last week, we noticed someone building a deck.  Since there was a large equipment truck, we assumed the builder was a contractor and turned around to talk to him.  Sure enough, he was a contractor, gave us his card and said he'd be glad to give us a bid.  We called him that evening and the other guy that I'd been stalling about calling and both said they'd be here Monday to size up the project.

Both men called Monday for directions to the place, but only one showed up that day.  He looked it over, said he'd get back to us and by that evening we had a bid, and not a bad price at all!  Wednesday was a town day, and as we were coming home, the guy that was a no show, Monday, was coming down the lane.  He'd finally gotten around to dropping in to bid the job.  He did that without anyone being home.  It then dawned on me, from our previous dealings, why I'd not been too anxious to call him.  When he called with his bid, it was nearly double the price of the first bid!  I simply told him we'd talk it over.

The crew has been contracted to rebuild!  Then I did the ultimate woman thing on them.  They came to get started and I asked about making it larger . . . As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized for the first time in my life, I sounded like my mother.  My entire life, when she sees someone working, my Daddy or myself, she invariably steps in to tweak.  By nature, I'm not a tweaker, but the idea just hit me that this deck could be larger than first estimated.  The men lit up and said, "No problem!  Now's the time!"  They got out the tape measures and went from there.  I knew the best plan would be an additional 8 feet as that would eliminate sawing every board and minimize waste.  They went to their truck to confer and refigure, came out and presented the increased cost.  It was wonderful!  Done deal!

As they were leaving, ready to start first thing Monday morning, I remembered the very nice drawing he'd already done for the original bid.  I thought of my mother and her ever changing tweaking, so I asked them if there was something we needed to sign.  They said they'd do right by me, to which I responded, I know that, I thought you might like my signature to ensure there are no more changes . . .  They smiled and said, "See you tomorrow."

YHWH willing the former amateur 8' X 12' design will be replaced with a brand new professional 10' X 28' deck.

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