Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Father's Business or Busy-ness

In all my promotion of time management and no waste, I have been known to just be busy!  Being busy for the sake of being busy is not good time management.  Spending time on something that is not the Father's plan for me is just as wasteful as any other way we find to "kill time."  Being pointlessly busy may actually be worse, in that it spends energy and takes focus that could be better directed.  I've had two things on my mind these past couple of weeks, and I know I won't be doing both, at least not concurrently on the immediate horizon.

As I have become more aware of time and energy, I spent some time listening and energy praying about these two matters.  I also asked a sister to pray for me about this "opportunity."  She received a very specific directive which she shared with me.  Prayer is definitely time and energy well spent.  Both of these matters may well be on the horizon, but one situation involves another individual's free will and choice, so . . . that particular project is clearly not in my hands, and is at this point dependent upon the other person spending time in prayer.  The only time and energy I am to devote to this situation at this time, is to keep this individual in my prayers.  The other situation has been confirmed for me to begin, but it will still be awhile before it is to be launched.

In looking back at the past month, I now realize I had to come to terms with a particular fact of life, and accept the shalom of YHWH in the matter, before this next step could take place.  I'm so thankful He doesn't show us the entire plan at once.  Knowing me, I'd have just bustled right on in and skipped very vital steps.  He has brought me to a new acceptance of life, and much to my amazement, I no longer want my old method of resolution.  This is a big step in my spiritual journey.  This epiphany truly has brought a different understanding than I was expecting.

We don't have to focus on what we don't want or where we are lacking.  We don't have to stay so busy that we miss the real plan, and we don't have to try to change our own mindset or ask that our weaknesses be strengthened.  When we truly focus on following Messiah and seek to be busy about our Father's business,  we don't have to try to change our mind, we are given the mind of Messiah!  We don't have to have our weaknesses strengthened, YHWH strength is made perfect in our weakness . . . Praying is seeking YHWH, and He promises to show us great and mighty things we do not know!  He doesn't have to use flash cards as we offer rushed prayers.

The life He has planned for us is so much better than we can work out for ourselves!

1 comment:

  1. This is very well written and quite thought provoking ~
