Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Business Decision

As I'm expanding my product line at Tribally Yours, I decided G-ma's Goatmilk Soap could use an expansion, as well.  A door into several communities has opened and this princess feels led to walk through them.  As this unfolds, I've discovered  that soap making is as calming as ironing is for me.  So much so, it's practically replaced it!

The second anniversary of my business venture was September 14, and although I've not made Procter and Gamble nervous; I've certainly learned a lot in the past two years and grown.  Fortunately, the products were good to begin with and the improvements have been really enjoyable, not only to me, but to customers and clientele.  I've learned about myself in this deal too.  I've learned where to take advice and where to just smile and say thank you.  I've truly enjoyed being able to offer a good and natural product, at a reasonable price.  I can't get over how much some "natural products" cost!

I'm all excited about two new products I'm designing.  Available soon will be a "winter care package" as well as a "gift basket for the new baby," but a new ministry opportunity is what really has me excited.  I'm going to be able to work with young people who don't have a great deal of support in their corner, so to speak.  I've come to a fuller understanding, Scripturally, when YHWH commands us to take care of the widows and fatherless.  Most of us consider the fatherless to be orphans, but that isn't necessarily the case, especially, here in our society.  There are a number of fatherless households, and many of them have very young, struggling mothers as the head.  

There is a need to offer young people some basic life skills and necessities.  Soap is one of those requested necessities, as well as sharing the fact that our Creator has given each of us a talent and a purpose.  So, I'm changing my inventory.  G-ma's Goatnilk Soap will still come in all the wonderful varieties, but the bars will be more uniform and bigger, while the ones that "don't make weight" are still good sized bars, and will serve to address this need in the community.

I don't mean to sound too strange here, but all of my soap recipes contain some olive oil, some more than others.  I pray as I formulate my products that the lives of the customers and clients these products touch, will be blessed.  The wrappers have Scripture and I stand on the promise that the Word of YHWH does not return void.  I believe this is going to be a wonderful blessing for young people who really feel they are overwhelmed before they are even getting started.

When I saw the "vision" of this program, I saw a great many opportunities and certainly some good intentions.  Good intentions for our youth, however; are not enough.  This community program needs the presence YHWH, and the young people certainly need His Son.   In the last verses of Matthew, Messiah said we were to, Go . . . and He'd be with us!

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