Sunday, June 23, 2013

Help On the Way

The realtor from the listing agency arrived and she was a delight!  She got the door open, knew her stuff and let me look around.  Of course, I already knew this was the place.  It matched the vision, perfectly, well not perfectly, it had even more great details!  Clearly the well and the peach tree(s) were deal makers.  I asked what "Neosho" meant.  It is a Native American term meaning, "place of springs."  The mission I had facilitated in town was "Living Water."

I had mentioned earlier in this account that I knew there was some sort of special issue with the listing or the availability, but I hadn't known what.  So, the realtor I was now stuck with dealing with, not the good one that could actually open the door and answer the questions, but the one that was now legally my sales agent said we'd have to do the paperwork in the morning, but the other agent would let the sellers know, an offer was on the way.  A new contract would be required with the sellers, before an offer to buy could be made, and the not so amazing realtor did not choose to disclose at that time, that she had to get to her real job at Wal-Mart.

Now, here's where this princess gets a little misty and well embarrassed.  I was still not sure if I was going to be moving alone or salvaging a marriage.  As it turned out, neither, but those details are on my secret blog.  Now, back to the waiting.  Went to the Booneslick Lodge to await the morning meeting.  Much to my surprise the next morning, if apt is the opposite of inapt, the less than apt realtor called with another place to show "us."  My undecided partner in civil wedlock was ready to go see the new place.  He said he had "wrestled" all night over that property we had been shown and that was the one, then in a five minute phone call, my world went topsy turvy again.  My heart just sank, but as a dutiful, trying to be submissive wife, I went along, quietly.  I kept in mind, it isn't my world and I prayed, mostly silently, but I prayed.  To be honest, if I'd have said much, I'd have been in tears.

So, out to Fairview we went.  I sat in the back seat as the two of them discuss this place we were heading.  We got there and immediately the term barren came to mind.  There was slightly more land, and it was fenced, but there was no well and no fruit trees, and no fireplace, which I pointed out.  There was a small garden though, that ended up being an issue in the offer, and I chuckle to myself, all these years later as I recollect that day.  So as we looked at it all and got back in her car to head to the office, I suggested we go back to the other place, which she did.  That was the only statement I made in her car and after leaving there, asked only one question.

As we pulled out of the drive to head to town, my question to my spouse was, "You really like that place, don't you?"  After hearing my description of the vision two days prior, he had the audacity to tell me, he liked the other place better and was ready to make an offer.  I had the overwhelming urge to just jump out of the back seat of that car!  That's the second time I'd had that feeling where he was concerned . . . And so I prayed.  I prayed hard!  That's when I found out, our realtor was also a church lady.
                                                                                                           to be continued . . .

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