Thursday, July 9, 2015

Royal Purpose

This week began beautifully!  There is so much opportunity set before me, as well as a warning of what to avoid, accompanied by both positive and negative confirmation!  Our Heavenly Father is so good.  He truly does want us to achieve His purpose in our lives and live in His plan.

Years ago I made a drastic mistake.  After marrying Mr. B, and he seemed genuinely interested in spiritual matters for a time, I asked Abba if I could wait for him.  Within a year and a half, I realized I had indeed receive an affirmative answer to that prayer.  I tried to be patient for a time, and then I began to seriously fear for my own soul.  This man had no intentions of serving YHWH or building a life with me.  It was no longer a matter of patience, it was a matter of my spiritual life.  When I realized waiting on someone who refused to go forward, would actually result in going backward; I repented with horribly bitter tears.  I've remembered often Mr. B's words before we married, as we were discussing the plans.  He simply stated, "If we don't move forward, we'll start going backward."   Thirteen years later, I can attest, truer words were never spoken.  Now, here's the wild part.  Since I repented, the waiting has ended . . .

I've had some advice, of course, from the uber Gothard religious types who choose to believe a woman should actually lose her salvation over a man, but I stand on Torah and will not be moved.  Mr. B knew my call and my vow before he ever signed on and said nothing against it the day he heard.  According to Numbers 30, the window of opportunity for him to nullify my vow, closed years ago!  That means, I'd be a disobedient rebellious fool to, now; disregard my vow.  I am moving forward and so excited about it.  I've even opened my heart to other opportunities if YHWH presents them, but at this time, my plate is full.  "Equally yoked" is not limited to marriage at all, but in working together for the kingdom!  Now, on to my purpose.

It's occurred to me, that although I don't believe what mainstream Christianity teaches regarding the rejection of Torah and the Messiah's name, I do know when people are searching for spiritual truth, many go to church.  I don't need to drop out of church to live by my beliefs at all!  As a matter of fact, Abba has opened a door in a church and I'm so excited.  Religious spirits are running rampant through the church, as well as social media fellowship.  We need deliverance and we need to offer deliverance.  A note of caution here, be careful in "unfriending and blocking" and how that may translate to unforgiveness in our own life.  I'm not sure exactly where that line is, myself, so I'm just offering the note of caution.

Then there is also the fact that, like it or not, regardless of the social teaching, our mainstream medical treatments are rooted in what Scripture has translated to be "sorcery."  The Greek word pharmakeia is obviously the root of our term pharmaceutical.  In Galatians, that term was translated to witchcraft and in the Revelation, sorcery or sorcerer for the practice there of.  As many are griping about Obamacare, and knowing these are the end of days, it's time to come out from among the practices of the heathen.  It's truly time for the children of the King to stop living as fearful peasants.  

The Bible is historic, of course, but it's not a history book, it is Living Word and our true purpose as Bible believing followers of Messiah is to live the Word!

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