Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm Still a Woman

There is no identity crisis going on, there have just been some gentle, yet awkward reminders that I am still perceived as the weaker sex, with strengths.  It's been nice, but so foreign.  The wonderful thing about this, is it's not been any flirting or "come ons," or even comments about my appearance, but just casual comments made by men in reference to capability, hard work, and the way I care about people, critters, and business.  Those are my attractive qualities!  It's been nice in the past few weeks to hear that those traits are noticed, by the comments conveyed.  I feel attractive when I am appreciated . . .

The different standard between the sexes is a must, in my book.  That is to say, I appreciate the fact that men and women are indeed different and it's not a competition of rights.  Every once in awhile, I remind myself as I'm coming in from chores, that this is how "real women" are supposed to be.  I'm feminine but not dainty.  I'm not fragile, but Scripture does say I'm the weaker vessel, and it's nice when Abba sends someone along to remind me of that fact.

Through the years, I've jokingly referred to myself as my Daddy's un-son.  When he needed help with a project, I was his apprentice.  He probably really didn't need the help at all, but wanted me to know how to be independent.  I grew up knowing, I wasn't considered to be the feminine beauty my mom or sister were, so I needed to be able to take care of myself.  I am a capable woman.  I never play dumb or coy, and I take note that some men feel threatened by capable women.  I've also noticed, as our society continues to decline that some men are willing to take advantage of a capable woman.

Most of the men I deal with are very respectful, and for the most part, it's business dealings.  The guys at the auction are always respectful, as are the feed store owners, and I love the fact the young men at the market call me ma'am.  As I'm writing this, I hope I convey an appreciation for qualities in others that are quickly being diminished in our society.  When a man opens a door for me, I smile and say thank you.  It feels nice to be reminded that I'm still a lady.  I make eye contact with that gentleman!  I read a meme awhile back which said something to the effect that our society has become so rude that good manners are often mistaken for flirtation.

I'm realistic enough to know the difference between good manners and flirtation!  I appreciate good manners.  I've been missing the days of the difference between men and women.  It's been so nice to have been reminded the differences do still exist; and others appreciate, enjoy, and express that as well.

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