Monday, December 2, 2013

Social Media

Thanks to social media, many personality disorders now seem to be elevated to self-proclaimed virtue and pious authority.  Before social media, there were a few taboo subjects that folks avoided or at least chose to let pass without comment, but no more.  It seems everything requires comment, and frequently, correction.

In this revelation, I must admit I was guilty last year of taking the bait a couple of times and staying in a discussion longer than need be to arrive at a ridiculous dead end, feeling rather foolish.  It was just shortly after the first of 2013 I realized how similar social media seemed to dysfunctional family gatherings.  It's amazing how many teachers, pastors, rabbis, and Bible scholars there are, who are just entirely too knowledgeable to participate in any level of discussion amongst piers.  Not to leave out experts in ares of non-religious fields, because I've seen that too, but most of my discussion attempts on social media are of a spiritual topic, with overtones of current events.

We all believe we have valuable information to contribute, but it really doesn't take long to realize, three things.  Some folks just need to be heard, some folks really believe everyone needs to hear them, and the one with the last word is not necessarily right.

Many of us participating in social media are not terribly successful, socially; which could account for the amount of time available for social media.  While others are quite sociable and have expanded their social skills and success to yet another venue.  I truly admire those folk of social ease!  I know for myself, I am not terribly at ease in social settings.  When in social settings, I find myself very conscious of the potential to place my foot in my mouth.  I pray a lot before attending any gathering.

Internet social media with a delete button has taken some of the edge off my anxiety.  I prefer to be able to see my thoughts outside of my head before my words become airborne, never again to be regathered.  Even in proof reading, I still manage typos and awkward expression, but for the most part, I've learned to just avoid the discussions in which some folks prefer to be offended.

It seems, social media is one more venue, in which we humans find folks of similar interests and beliefs, as well as folks we don't, and in true human form, we behave the same way on line as we do on the telephone or in any social setting.  We all have people we prefer and people we don't.  As a believer, I do very much want to love everybody, but liking them is an entirely different matter.

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