Sunday, April 26, 2015

Love Thy Neighbor

This week has been so enlightening.  Well actually, this is far from the first time I've been graced with unsolicited analysis on social media, but this is the first time I've actually found it entertaining.  The situation was so choreographed, I just couldn't take it seriously, but I stepped into the dance.  I don't usually appreciate being singled out in a thread comment, even for something good, but admonition and analysis, double score!  And by more than one participant!

Although you might not guess it from the amount of writing I do, I don't write lengthy comments on social media.  I've been called "Queen of the One Liners."  To make a point in the midst of a thread started by another, doesn't need to be a full dissertation.  Basically, when it comes to forums and social media, even the old yahoo groups, one agrees or disagrees.  Some of the old groups used to actually raise a discussion or two, but they didn't last long.  As for forums, it didn't take long to see where everyone stood on most issues and they began to fizzle out as well.  As for the latest in internet socializing, it's time to face facts, most of us on the computer aren't really all that sociable.  We're not anti-social, it's just obvious that our social calendars are not full.

Social media does seem to accommodate those looking for their fifteen minutes of fame.  Anybody can claim any authority they choose and run with it on social media . . . and although I've made some genuine friends, I also tend to draw wannabe leaders and amateur psychologists.  Now the wannabe leaders, have their initial humble and "hung up" schtick, with lots of rules in dealing with them.  See that's the key right there.  They claim to want no attention, yet want plenty of focus, and it has to be done properly.  A lot of "my wall" rules.  I do my best to even refrain from comment, but when I agree with something, just hit "like" because that seems important to that individual.

As a socially awkward individual, myself, I still stumble and struggle through "real time" interaction both on and off line.  Except when sharing information, I prefer to simply listen or read.  I think we can speak the truth on specific matters, and should; but the bottom line is, everyone doesn't have time to hear everyone's details.  That's not uncaring, that's just time management.  Of course, I'll share a praise report, or some goat and gardening insight.  I definitely sound warnings through this publication, and I've written some very personal information for those who struggle, but I believe everything including my words, should have purpose.  I simply do not feel the need to comment on everything, nor do I desire to know all the personal details of another person's life.  When someone feels the need to analyze that, I realize they are coming from their perspective.  

 The instruction to love our neighbor as we love ourself has been weighing heavily on me lately.  Being real seems to be defined now, by "airing dirty laundry."  I'm of a different opinion.  To air all "my dirty laundry" would be a facade and not who I am at all.  I love to laugh and I enjoy stimulating discussions, but I am horrible at small talk.  I'm a good listener when it comes to folks desiring counsel, but I no longer serve as a place to vent so they can stay in their mess.  If I truly love my neighbor, which applies to anyone interact with, both real time and internet, I must be honest.  In that honesty is the fact, I don't care to make comment on everything and most of the things I do say are not aimed at anyone specifically.  Also in that love of neighbor, I must realize, everyone does not share my perspective.  We don't have to agree on everything to be nice and love can be tough, but it doesn't have to be continuously confrontational or analytical.  Love thy neighbor as you love yourself seems to hold the standard of the Golden Rule.  Perhaps I've been missing something . . .

This just occurred to me.  Maybe all the confrontational folks and amateur psychologists would like others to reach out to them in the same manner.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Self-control seems to be pretty rare when it comes to the fruit of the Spirit.  There are so many ways we seem to be able to justify a lack of control by calling it "righteous anger" or "protecting others" or even "the truth hurts."  Sometimes any and all of those can be the case, but not nearly as frequently as we like to rationalize.  I've heard some very harsh things said, cruel actually, and the person just shrugs and says, "I was only being honest."  There are also many behaviors in our society that are "excused" by labels, as if that removes the personal responsibility.  Sadly, in many cases, we spiritualize "the flesh" and that is far from producing the fruit of the Spirit.

The area of self-control in which I struggle the most, is my tongue.  Between some personal situations, and of course social media, I've come to understand the power of silence, but it takes a great deal of self-control at the time.  Actually, the self-control I've been gaining through the Spirit, is the absence for the need to be understood, accepted, or have the last word.  The only thing about my entire life and being that needs to be understood by another, is the amazing awesome message of the Good News.  YHWH says His Word is final.  When that sank in, I realized, trying to have the last word is playing G-d . . .

I once wrote a poem about the fruit of the Spirit, and the last verse went something like this . . .

Dear Father, it seemed as if there's been no progress,
When I lipped off the other day.
I know it appeared, I still lack self-control,
But You know, I had so much more to say!

Producing the fruit of the Spirit cannot be done by mental fortitude or "turning over a new leaf," but by surrender to YHWH.  I'm not sure I have the words, yet; to accurately convey what I mean, but I'm going to try.  I cannot make myself produce the fruit of the Spirit, none of us can.  I can, however; discipline myself to "stay out of the way" and not become defensive or offensive.  I can be disciplined by Torah [the school master] as Paul called it, to want to observe Abba's Instructions more than I want to defend myself or my own ideas . . . but it truly takes the mind of Messiah and the words of Torah written on my heart, which are both given by the Spirit of YHWH not produced in my own power.

In my case to control my tongue, I have to be very careful what thoughts I entertain.  That is up to me!  When I surrender my right to ruminate and discipline myself to take my own thoughts captive, the thoughts no longer hold me captive.  I have found the previously listed fruit of the Spirit have been instrumental in producing self-control.  They appear to be in an order . . . Abba does all things decently and in order.

We so often, at least I do, picture gentle rains and glorious sunshine for fruit production, but there's more.  My heart has to be "good soil" and like it or not, there is fertilizer involved.  It's so easy to remain calm and appearing to produce beautiful fruit, but when circumstances stink, the real production takes place, or not . . .

It's easy to love someone who loves me.  It's so easy to have joy when I'm out for morning chores with birds singing and animals surrounding me as I say the Shema.  With no television and no rush hour traffic, peace is nearly a given.  The first three in the list seem easier, in that we can find a "happy place," often alone or with our special folk, but then . . . in the list is longsuffering.  Some translations use the term, patience, but that's a rather flowery way to gloss over the true meaning.  Longsuffering, is much more accurate.  I can tell you, the longer you kick against that lesson the longer the suffering situation will remain.  It seems in my life, longsuffering and self-control are quite intertwined.

There are two things I say for victory, when the temptation to lose self-control of the tongue is presented.  First and foremost is the prayer of Psalm 141:3.  I ask YHWH to "put a guard over my mouth."  The second, I try to say to myself, but a couple of times, it's actually been stated aloud in the circumstances.  "I do not want what is bouncing through my head to come flying out my mouth."

The Spirit of the Living Creator has really brought me to the point I do desire His Will over mine, even in circumstances I find adverse.  It hasn't happened all at once, and it still doesn't happen 100% of the time, but it truly has become my heart's desire.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

An Interesting Dream

Most of my dreams seem fairly insignificant.  I do have a few that I recognize to be of spiritual significance, but I really don't have all that many memorable dreams.  I do, however; dream in color.  Having now used three sentences to say nothing, let's get to the point.

I dreamed I was speaking to a group of young women.  In the dream I was aware that all of these young ladies had some sort of inferiority complex in regard to their appearance and/or shape.  The group, as I remember, was basically average.  No one was dramatically beautiful or intensely homely.  The young women were not what I would call obese, but all indicated they were not pleased with their weight or their appearance.  They were all in search of "something" that would make them more attractive, which was to be the topic of my presentation.

As I spoke, I produced past photos of myself through the years.  This would be very out of character for me, in that I consistently hated to have my picture taken, always feeling fat and ugly.  With each photo, I gave my age and basic life circumstances at the time.  The presentation was somewhat interactive, so the girls made comments and asked questions throughout.  With each explanation on that trip down memory lane, a different girl would raise her hand to offer some sort of acknowledgement or insight.  It was amazing how many of the girls just couldn't understand why I had such low self esteem in those photos.  I responded with the same question and comment to them.

In the dream I seemed so natural and relaxed, which in and of itself is odd . . . One photo, stood out amongst all the others.  It was a wedding photo in which I was so thin, my complexion was ashen.  They asked me how I felt about myself at that time, and I answered honestly.  It was the one time and last person who made me feel desirable, but . . . I was really sacrificing my health to be that size and more importantly, by then I realized, I was counting on him to make me feel like a woman.  Ultimately, when the new wore off and it was time to just be a couple, I blew it.  He loved me, or at least tried to love me, for who I truly was.  My youth and weight made no difference to him, but my inferiority complex was so deep, I couldn't grasp that.   As I shared that with the girls, they fell contemplatively silent.  I could see their wheels turning.

In sharing the last wedding photo, I shared with the girls that I truly thought I "had it together" spiritually, emotionally, and was physically comfortable in my own skin, until . . . my honeymoon was a disaster and I found myself hanging on by a thread, spiritually.  I clung to Messiah.  Many times over, I found myself quoting the Psalm about the Rock that is higher than I.  Something had to change, and I was obligated to my circumstances.  It would take me a full 10 years to realize my self-image was not based upon how someone else, that man, looked at me.  In 2012, I looked in the mirror, finally happy with the reflection looking back.

As I moved out from behind the podium, I stood there 57 and full figured, and simply stated.  "I like myself the way Abba created me to be.  Being content is beautiful!"

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Getting My Hum On

I've sort of wandered away from music and that's not been good, but it's been so hard . . .  I've let the enemy steal from me.  Musical talent is certainly not my long suit, but I do or I should say did have a song in my heart and was usually humming.  Years ago, I prayed to be able to play the piano in a little country church.  Adonai answered that prayer, and that's where I met my last husband . . . Music just hasn't been the same since.

Mr. B has perfect pitch.  So perfect, apparently, he can't be bothered with actually serving in some sort of musical ministry capacity.  He is, however; perfectly aware if I hit the wrong note or don't include enough notes.  So music waned severely for me.  I did have a small sound and broadcasting system, and several CDs, that played continuously, but he tweaked it, so it doesn't work anymore.  After taking forced piano lessons and school choir growing up, it hasn't taken much criticism for me to just avoid the keyboard all together, and you know what.  That's not anybody's fault but mine.

Upon giving up keyboard and CD sing alongs, I began humming.  I used to go into the Tabernacle alone and play and sing, but I don't do that anymore, and I should.  I can't blame others for what I'm simply choosing to not do.  Even though I'm not terribly talented, I truly miss music, but I just can't bring myself to not worry about who is listening.  My self-consciousness is quite deeply rooted.  I've told myself that being self-conscious is still a focus on self, but I haven't made much headway.

Zephaniah 3:17 spoke to me some time back as I saw that Abba sings over me.  I truly do want to bring pleasure to Him, and singing seems to be significant.  It's time that my joy in YHWH overflows into joyful noise!  Recently, however; I've noticed myself humming, once again.  He doesn't require perfect pitch or four part harmony, just a joyful noise.  That I can do!