Several years ago, I gave some serious contemplation as to how my parents were aging. When my grandparents were in their 40s, that seemed old, but then, my perspective was that of a child, and society had a different aging standard in the 1960s. Anyone over 35 was "old establishment." From the time I was twelve, I was looking forward to 40. By the time 40 came around for me, it was fantastic and didn't really seem so old, after all. It was in the next couple of years as my parents were hitting 60, that age seemed to be the new aging standard. Either one was a young 60 or an old 60, and my parents are one of each.
In my early 40s, 60 really wasn't much of an issue, and I've always been more like Daddy than mom. I guess I just figured I'd be a young 60, but the other night, I got a wake up call, in the mirror. As I stood at the sink, washing my hands, in the mirror; my great grandma was looking back at me. Seeing the image of Daddy's grandma startled me, immensely. I remember Granny, but she was much older than I am now, when I was born. I shook it off, as best I could, and headed to bed. It hadn't occurred to me that Daddy might be the exception to his family rule, or that he'd simply aged better because of his very active and athletic lifestyle. Then there is the fact that men do tend to age better than women . . . think Paul Newman, Cary Grant, Sam Elliot. Those men could still be the "leading man" while their female counterparts of the early movie days were relegated to support roles.
Sleep was a bit restless that night, as I considered a bold fact. I'm less than three years from 60. Although genetics will be an obvious factor, I still have a choice as to how 60 is going to hit and fit! Vanity is not the issue, my endurance and activity level is my concern. I remember several years ago, crying to Abba about having given Mr. B the last of my "good looking years," to which my Heavenly Father responded, "No, those were over before you met him." Touche'! Except for that one bout of self-pity, since following Messiah, I've been much more concerned about the beauty of my spirit. I do want to reflect the glory of my Heavenly Father in my countenance. The recent revelation that my hair is no longer salt & pepper, as well as more than a few aches and pains with rain coming that same night, caused me to evaluate a few other things that night.
Last year, right before Yom Teruah, I'd planned to do some things differently. How many of those "good intentions" had I implemented? As I laid there in the dark, evaluating my checklist, the stretches and increased walking hadn't exactly come to fruition, but HalleluYah! I did have peace in the acceptance and resolve of a few other things . . . The ministry outreach has expanded exponentially and I think I'm more prepared than when I first heard to do so. So, now that Yom Teruah is approaching once again, I'm repenting for my failure to accomplish some of the intentions. I'm careful in regard to vows, but I'm not so sure Abba draws that line in my semantics, so it's time to get serious!
I'm not at all upset about growing older. I've been counting on experiencing "my youth renewed" as found in Psalm 103. I have no intention or desire to look 30, but I often think of doing chores and milking goats 20 years from now. I want that. I want to be able to do that. I want to walk the half mile lane picking blackberries when I'm pushing 80, if my numbered days reach that point. I want to still have a garden. There is no need for the redeemed remnant to deteriorate with age. I want to wear out, not rust out! I can't expect Abba to renew my youth if I don't make a point to remain active. If I'm not a young 60, the chances of being an active 80 will be drastically diminished.
My hair color and features are what they are, but I do have a choice in my activity and energy level. The truth is: I'm not getting any younger, but there is an element of choice in how gracefully I age.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
A Realization
A check in my spirit began to gnaw a while back, but I wasn't really sure what it meant. I knew it had to do with Goshen, but just, well in my usual coping manner, got busy and tried to make sure I didn't commit whatever might be causing the check. I figured if I was real busy on projects, I wouldn't be guilty of whatever had caused Abba to first give my heart a tug. I knew it had to do with the place here, but it seemed to also have to do with Sukkot and the five fold ministry.
The "door of invitation" is not mine to open or close! Suddenly, the reality that Sukkot was called for Jerusalem and trying to make it happen here, in Goshen would cheapen the entire observation. He didn't tell me to advise everyone to buy tickets to Jerusalem; rather He said those who were led to be here would come without formal fan fair, but simply be led and drawn. What a note of relief for me, as I am a social, mainstream, dork, lacking skills of small talk . . .
I really wanted to please Abba, still do, but the realization that He made me the way I am, doesn't call for a remake in every aspect. I am not a socially needy person. I can read and write with little human interaction for days on end. I get up early, pray, have my devotions, do chores which involves talking to Abba, Messiah, and the critters, come back in and start working. When Mr. B does get up, he doesn't say anything or even acknowledge me. I'm not anti-social, just used to being non-social and shunned, I guess. I was really concerned that folks might come and be very dissatisfied with me. That's on old discomfort that, thankfully, is now only a small part of my life with just a handful of people.
Without worrying about how to do this, I simply told Abba I had truly embraced the idea of hosting a Sukkot gathering, but I knew this divided house would not be a comfortable atmosphere for guests. It was at this point, I simply shrugged my shoulders and determined to trust Abba regardless of how things looked. As it turns out, this isn't such a convenient location for distant folks to come, and there are several gatherings scheduled in many areas nearby. My hostessing is unneeded, but my enthusiasm to share is being directed to surrounding areas, solving both problems.
I'm a pretty well behaved guest and definitely a gifted talents coach, so I'll be sharing outside of Goshen, which solves the divided house issue as well. Our King is just so smart!
The "door of invitation" is not mine to open or close! Suddenly, the reality that Sukkot was called for Jerusalem and trying to make it happen here, in Goshen would cheapen the entire observation. He didn't tell me to advise everyone to buy tickets to Jerusalem; rather He said those who were led to be here would come without formal fan fair, but simply be led and drawn. What a note of relief for me, as I am a social, mainstream, dork, lacking skills of small talk . . .
I really wanted to please Abba, still do, but the realization that He made me the way I am, doesn't call for a remake in every aspect. I am not a socially needy person. I can read and write with little human interaction for days on end. I get up early, pray, have my devotions, do chores which involves talking to Abba, Messiah, and the critters, come back in and start working. When Mr. B does get up, he doesn't say anything or even acknowledge me. I'm not anti-social, just used to being non-social and shunned, I guess. I was really concerned that folks might come and be very dissatisfied with me. That's on old discomfort that, thankfully, is now only a small part of my life with just a handful of people.
Without worrying about how to do this, I simply told Abba I had truly embraced the idea of hosting a Sukkot gathering, but I knew this divided house would not be a comfortable atmosphere for guests. It was at this point, I simply shrugged my shoulders and determined to trust Abba regardless of how things looked. As it turns out, this isn't such a convenient location for distant folks to come, and there are several gatherings scheduled in many areas nearby. My hostessing is unneeded, but my enthusiasm to share is being directed to surrounding areas, solving both problems.
I'm a pretty well behaved guest and definitely a gifted talents coach, so I'll be sharing outside of Goshen, which solves the divided house issue as well. Our King is just so smart!
Friday, August 14, 2015
Prayed Up
Have you ever realized in dealing with someone, that you just weren't "prayed up" enough for the task? I addressed rejection in the article for Preservation, but sometimes folks don't reject and just go away. And sometimes folks aren't rejecting at all, they are simply in need, and sometimes they are exhausting. It sounds like my social life has been difficult this week, but it hasn't, not at all. Perhaps, I'm finally at peace with some of the old struggles and ready to address them outside of my own head and heart.
Being "prayed up" is definitely the answer to life, be it in good times or bad. As a matter of fact, according to Scripture, it's often the good times that take our focus away from time with our Heavenly Father. I remember a conversation with one of my daughters years ago, in which she informed me, she didn't have a real interactive relationship with G-d, didn't want to bother Him much so she just prayed when she had problems. I told her, He likes to hear from us, so if problems are what motivates us to pray, we should expect problems in our life. Now, in retrospect I should feel honored in that she basically has the same relationship with me. I hear from her when there's a problem . . . yet I digress.
I've been coming into a fuller understanding about being "prayed up." I used to feel that I had to be prayed up to "deal" with some folks, and I did! But I knew Abba had a bigger plan for me than that and a greater purpose. I want folks to be blessed in being around me and I want to be able to reach out in the Name of Y'hshuwah in the power of YHWH to offer healing and deliverance. I want what happened in Scripture to happen now! And I want to be a part of being used in that happening. I've also come to realize there is a change of direction in my focus now, regarding being "prayed up." I want to be so intune with Abba, I feel His heartbeat for His child in need.
Those are easier words to say, than discipline to enact. When this began, and it's been some time in the maturing . . . not there yet, but it began with me giving up my prayer agenda . . . To feel our Father's heartbeat, we have to be "on the same page," and He's not moving to our page. We have to come to Him, fully without reservation. We cannot be emptied out, while we still have our "wish list." Our only desire must be for Him and His Will. Even in my desire to be used by Him, I cannot have a preconceived notion as to what the results should be. I can ask for the healings of others and speak deliverance for those who are in bondage, but it is by His power and His alone that comes.
There is no place for my idea of what would be best for someone when it comes to asking for Abba's touch. Sometimes it may seem that someone needs healing, but they actually need deliverance, or simply to stand the test before they see results. I prefer to have things happen NOW! Abba sees what all needs to happen before we get to what I see as the end results. Being "prayed up" has brought new meaning to walking in His confidence as well! Thankfully, since I had zero self-confidence that has not been a matter of confusion. If I have any confidence at all, it is in Him.
"Prayed up" now means emptied out . . .
Being "prayed up" is definitely the answer to life, be it in good times or bad. As a matter of fact, according to Scripture, it's often the good times that take our focus away from time with our Heavenly Father. I remember a conversation with one of my daughters years ago, in which she informed me, she didn't have a real interactive relationship with G-d, didn't want to bother Him much so she just prayed when she had problems. I told her, He likes to hear from us, so if problems are what motivates us to pray, we should expect problems in our life. Now, in retrospect I should feel honored in that she basically has the same relationship with me. I hear from her when there's a problem . . . yet I digress.
I've been coming into a fuller understanding about being "prayed up." I used to feel that I had to be prayed up to "deal" with some folks, and I did! But I knew Abba had a bigger plan for me than that and a greater purpose. I want folks to be blessed in being around me and I want to be able to reach out in the Name of Y'hshuwah in the power of YHWH to offer healing and deliverance. I want what happened in Scripture to happen now! And I want to be a part of being used in that happening. I've also come to realize there is a change of direction in my focus now, regarding being "prayed up." I want to be so intune with Abba, I feel His heartbeat for His child in need.
Those are easier words to say, than discipline to enact. When this began, and it's been some time in the maturing . . . not there yet, but it began with me giving up my prayer agenda . . . To feel our Father's heartbeat, we have to be "on the same page," and He's not moving to our page. We have to come to Him, fully without reservation. We cannot be emptied out, while we still have our "wish list." Our only desire must be for Him and His Will. Even in my desire to be used by Him, I cannot have a preconceived notion as to what the results should be. I can ask for the healings of others and speak deliverance for those who are in bondage, but it is by His power and His alone that comes.
There is no place for my idea of what would be best for someone when it comes to asking for Abba's touch. Sometimes it may seem that someone needs healing, but they actually need deliverance, or simply to stand the test before they see results. I prefer to have things happen NOW! Abba sees what all needs to happen before we get to what I see as the end results. Being "prayed up" has brought new meaning to walking in His confidence as well! Thankfully, since I had zero self-confidence that has not been a matter of confusion. If I have any confidence at all, it is in Him.
"Prayed up" now means emptied out . . .
Friday, August 7, 2015
It's been a tough week spiritually . . . growing pains. I shared a word recently about being content, with Scripture reference from I Timothy and Hebrews. Wouldn't you know it, I'm content in what I have, materially, well actually, I could have less and be just fine, but I found myself wandering through the archives of my emotional disappointments. There are a few areas of my life that just didn't turn out as I'd hoped, and yet they are as good as they can be under the circumstances. Most of the time, I maintain my contentedness in Messiah, by focusing on the goodness of YHWH, and that is amazing! His goodness is beyond what we can even give thanks for . . .

What I have realized, were words out of my own mouth. Focusing on disappointment or being discontent actually robs us of present contentment and worse, being used of Abba. When I'm in my bad place of archived disappointment, I'm really ineffective in the "here and now," and certainly for the Kingdom. I've also discovered a situation that is unpleasant, yet I choose to be drawn in. How ridiculous is that? This soul searching business on my own, is a poor use of time and energy. That's exactly what I said as I was speaking! As it turns out, I've been given the opportunity to prove that again in my own life. It wasn't until I was writing this article that I realized something in me that really needs to GO! I still choose self-deprecation in personal introspection. I'm not perfect, but I do too much repeated self-blaming and the cost is simply too high.
The past is truly the past and it's been forgiven and forgotten by my Heavenly Father. Who do I think I am to bring it back up? As for the failures, yes, I have failed. The only way to avoid failure is to never attempt anything! There are things in my life that I cannot fix, change, or make go away. That is a simple fact. Another simple fact is, my failure rate has markedly decreased since following Messiah. With that knowledge, there is no reason for those things to control any of my focus or require any of my time and energy. Some might say the enemy was attacking me for speaking the other day, but I don't think so. The enemy is something I do not choose to give time or focus. Yes there are demons and there is an adversary, but he's been defeated. I know Ephesians speaks of a spiritual battle, but this particular battle still lies within me to make a choice, and I have! Now, with that choice must come disciplined application!
This difficult week has produced some growth in that, when these failures do come to mind, I simply give thanks that they are indeed behind me and I've been given grace to walk on through. Even when my testimony didn't turn out as I was expecting, Abba will still bring beauty from ashes.
To proclaim the acceptable year of YHWH, and the day of vengeance of our Elohim; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the
oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that
they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of YHWH, that he
might be glorified. Isaiah 61:2-3.

What I have realized, were words out of my own mouth. Focusing on disappointment or being discontent actually robs us of present contentment and worse, being used of Abba. When I'm in my bad place of archived disappointment, I'm really ineffective in the "here and now," and certainly for the Kingdom. I've also discovered a situation that is unpleasant, yet I choose to be drawn in. How ridiculous is that? This soul searching business on my own, is a poor use of time and energy. That's exactly what I said as I was speaking! As it turns out, I've been given the opportunity to prove that again in my own life. It wasn't until I was writing this article that I realized something in me that really needs to GO! I still choose self-deprecation in personal introspection. I'm not perfect, but I do too much repeated self-blaming and the cost is simply too high.
The past is truly the past and it's been forgiven and forgotten by my Heavenly Father. Who do I think I am to bring it back up? As for the failures, yes, I have failed. The only way to avoid failure is to never attempt anything! There are things in my life that I cannot fix, change, or make go away. That is a simple fact. Another simple fact is, my failure rate has markedly decreased since following Messiah. With that knowledge, there is no reason for those things to control any of my focus or require any of my time and energy. Some might say the enemy was attacking me for speaking the other day, but I don't think so. The enemy is something I do not choose to give time or focus. Yes there are demons and there is an adversary, but he's been defeated. I know Ephesians speaks of a spiritual battle, but this particular battle still lies within me to make a choice, and I have! Now, with that choice must come disciplined application!
This difficult week has produced some growth in that, when these failures do come to mind, I simply give thanks that they are indeed behind me and I've been given grace to walk on through. Even when my testimony didn't turn out as I was expecting, Abba will still bring beauty from ashes.
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