The trip to town, last Thursday felt as if a red carpet had been rolled out for my arrival. My gait has been a bit troublesome as of late, so I took my walking stick with me. It's been a busy summer and I'm working hard to get the details in place. I truly believe Abba has other things planned for me, while I'm not gardening, plus I want the place in order, my lamp filled with oil and my wick trimmed . . . by Yom Teruah!
The most amazing things kept happening in town the other day. It was as if I had a sign of royalty above me. On my way to the auction, I stopped in town for a few things. I didn't take my walking stick into the market, because the buggies serve as a great balancing tool. I decided to take a stroll down the deli aisle since I'd be getting home late from the auction and a gentleman stopped right in the middle of his order and said, "Go ahead and help her, I've got a pretty long list . . ." I told him that was unnecessary, but he insisted. So I gave my single item order, and as I picked it up I thanked him for his kindness and we shared a short dialogue as his order continued to be filled.
Again, I left my walking stick in the vehicle, when I purchased dog food in two different places and it was actually carried to my vehicle, both times! I pulled into the farm store, planning to see when the fish truck was coming, when the guys at the loading dock simply took up chatting while I was in the vehicle. We discussed weather, a bit of small talk, and when I mentioned why I'd come, one simply said, "sit tight, I'll go see." Rather than going to the information counter, I got curb service! All this before I even got to the auction.
I do tend to get special treatment at the auction, usually. I don't really know why that is, but I'll admit, I like it! This time they actually presented a check at the time I went to pay . . . I refused the check, but anyway, the auction truly feels like a debutante ball or cotillion in my honor. I can't explain it further, but I feel it is a gift from Abba every time I attend. It's such a special time, I am very selective and protective as to when I attend, because I have to work the chores of the homestead around that evening auction.
Imagine my surprise when friends walked in to the auction. These were not just acquaintances, but genuine friends. The man who came in search of goat milk for orphaned fawns and the man who invited me to speak to his congregation about using our talents. What an amazing blessing . . . plus, the auctioneer was keeping a close eye on my bidding. I was blessed to bring home a couple of young beauties and I truly thought they were yearlings, but I was mistaken . . .
Let me tell you about Abba's gift. We simply cannot out give Him! According to Torah, the offspring of a first time mama belongs to YHWH. Sometimes I give the firstlings to other homesteaders in His Name, and sometimes they are the main entree' for Holy Day Feast or gathering. So when I bought these two girls, I bought them with the idea that the kids next spring, were not mine. A wonderfully polite young man loaded them for me, so I didn't get the overall view of them, until I was unloading them. They are young, but they're two year olds, and it's obvious that they've already kidded. I had no idea when I purchased them, what a gift Abba had in store for me.
Often I pray to be used as a blessing to others, but this time I was the one being blessed, everywhere, all day long!
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