Since relocating, the time before and through the High Holy Days becomes challenging. I miss my Temple mishpocha. Challenging to the point I spend significant time seeking as to whether these pre-Holy Day challenges are chastisement or an attack. Correction just isn't a strong enough word to describe what takes place. It seems there's always an unexpected "breaking." Three years ago it was a religious separating; which was a door closing rather hard, but a new one opened. Two years ago, it was family and my arm, literally; chastisement and deliverance. Last year it was the realization of broken promises and hurdles toward the Plan, which seemed to be both, chastisement and attack; but nothing happens without Abba's consent.
This year, it was not as shocking as it has been in the past; but rather; even expected. As a matter of fact, I've gone back over the last few weeks with Abba, to make sure, since I'm not in shock and did expect it, that I didn't do anything to cause any of the breakdowns that have occurred. It's simply, sifting for the end of days. As the end of days continue to unfold, we have to realize, although we are sisters and brothers, we won't all get along in the same communities or camps.
I think I've been labeled and sent to the "legalism," "pretenders," "fallen from grace," and "Sacred Namer" camp. I can't possibly cover all that ground! Although I was publicly called out on a few of them, I'm not completely sure about all of them, though; as the proposed labels and publicly proclaimed offences were never brought to me privately, as Scripture instructs. It has seemed a great many are expressing annoyance, and I'm not sure I have covered that much ground, so I'm taking this opportunity as a platform to proclaim the truth I do know.
Since I wasn't there with Moses when the Voice came from the burning bush, I don't debate the pronunciation. That seems horribly disrespectful. I'd always thought the precise pronunciation and proper spelling of the English transliteration were the earmarks of the Sacred Namers, but that label may cover more than my understanding of it, I may be wrong. It seems anyone who offers the fact that Messiah's name is NOT Jesus and the fact that LORD is only a title qualifies for the dubious title of Sacred Namer. The fact that the King James Version of the Bible actually bears a dedication page to the King of England and King is a title of importance above a Lord should serve as a clear wake-up call, but . . . Then there is also the fact that the letter "J" did not even come into existence until sometime around 1500 AD.
Abba has used these recent breaks to remind me of part of my call, and the precious instruction given to me. In all of these projects, I've been slacking. It seems when the self-professed preachers and teachers of social media are willing to openly rebuke me or passively cause accusation, I prefer to leave quietly, without great confrontation, so as not to bring dishonor to our Heavenly Father, especially in front of unbelievers. Being unfriended by the religiously offended, really doesn't bother me.
Abba gave me beautiful feet, brought me to a mountain to proclaim the Good News and part of that good news is the True Name of our Creator and His Son, and the Names are Sacred! So Sacred, I refuse to argue about the pronunciation or the transliterated spelling; but also so sacred, I refuse to back down and say it doesn't matter!