Years ago, when I heard my call to minister health to a godless nation, I presumed . . . and began making plans to become a doctor heading for a foreign land. It was two years later, I heard "home." Within the next couple of years, several things happened that caused even the idea of medical school to go by the wayside. In the first decade and a half of adulthood, my life was in a word: unstable. I wasn't doing what I was called to do, but I was doing just about everything else! I wasn't a partier, didn't do the drug scene, but my career changed about every 3 years, as did my marital status. By my mid thirties, I entered covenant with YHWH, following Messiah, and headed back to His plan! It would still be a few more years before I realized, Big Pharma was not a part of His plan for my life, yet I was still called to serve in a healing ministry. Such a paradox in this pharmaceutically dependent Christian nation . . .
Within 7 years of attempting to balance between mainstream medicine and remedies of our Creator, as well as the synagogue and church, I realized there was no balance in any of that, so, I stepped out. I gave up trying to participate in what is recognized as "complementary health" and have not had so much as a Tylenol in my home since. I also accepted the fact that the Christians seem to believe Torah obedience is legalism and is in opposition to grace. Those two realizations made life a bit less complicated, but a great deal more isolated. I truly began walking in my call by the Passover before 9/11. Don't get me wrong, there have been some stumbles, fumbles, and pitfalls along the way, but the direction of the path has remained constant, although the width has continued to narrow.
Fast forward now, to February 2013, when "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" was published, authored by yours truly, life had already changed dramatically for me, on many levels. It would be two years nearly to the day, that a long lost desire of my heart would be made manifest. In the realization that I would be heading to the Cherokee nation with the Good News and healing, I have spent a few days in Oklahoma looking for the location in which I'd set up. I would always smile and make some comment as I went past the "Cherokee Queen Hotel." I felt a draw there, but hadn't yet realized it was part of The Plan. In looking for real estate, and/or commercial property, with a cash ready offer; I couldn't even get a realtor to call me back . . . but I knew I had to be in The Nation on a certain date.
By that time, I realized, there was a step between hearing more, and the implementation, so I made a reservation for a room at The Cherokee Queen. Since there's no garden this year, and the kids weren't yet due, homestead maintenance was minimal, so, I planned a private "retreat/advance" prayer time. It's a good thing I stepped out on that date, because seven kids have arrived since my "divine appointment." Without divulging a confidentiality, I had the opportunity I'd longed for. Through the course of a chat in the lobby, I was able to offer a minimal reflexology treatment with oil for anointing . . . For years, I've longed to be able to just walk up to someone and offer to lay hands on them and anoint their feet in the Name of Y'hshuwah . . . The individual was receptive which brought about a time of rejoicing as well as an opportunity. The door into the Cherokee Nation came through that divine appointment at The Cherokee Queen.
Within 7 years of attempting to balance between mainstream medicine and remedies of our Creator, as well as the synagogue and church, I realized there was no balance in any of that, so, I stepped out. I gave up trying to participate in what is recognized as "complementary health" and have not had so much as a Tylenol in my home since. I also accepted the fact that the Christians seem to believe Torah obedience is legalism and is in opposition to grace. Those two realizations made life a bit less complicated, but a great deal more isolated. I truly began walking in my call by the Passover before 9/11. Don't get me wrong, there have been some stumbles, fumbles, and pitfalls along the way, but the direction of the path has remained constant, although the width has continued to narrow.
Fast forward now, to February 2013, when "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" was published, authored by yours truly, life had already changed dramatically for me, on many levels. It would be two years nearly to the day, that a long lost desire of my heart would be made manifest. In the realization that I would be heading to the Cherokee nation with the Good News and healing, I have spent a few days in Oklahoma looking for the location in which I'd set up. I would always smile and make some comment as I went past the "Cherokee Queen Hotel." I felt a draw there, but hadn't yet realized it was part of The Plan. In looking for real estate, and/or commercial property, with a cash ready offer; I couldn't even get a realtor to call me back . . . but I knew I had to be in The Nation on a certain date.
By that time, I realized, there was a step between hearing more, and the implementation, so I made a reservation for a room at The Cherokee Queen. Since there's no garden this year, and the kids weren't yet due, homestead maintenance was minimal, so, I planned a private "retreat/advance" prayer time. It's a good thing I stepped out on that date, because seven kids have arrived since my "divine appointment." Without divulging a confidentiality, I had the opportunity I'd longed for. Through the course of a chat in the lobby, I was able to offer a minimal reflexology treatment with oil for anointing . . . For years, I've longed to be able to just walk up to someone and offer to lay hands on them and anoint their feet in the Name of Y'hshuwah . . . The individual was receptive which brought about a time of rejoicing as well as an opportunity. The door into the Cherokee Nation came through that divine appointment at The Cherokee Queen.