Designing the perfect strawberry bed has been no simple task. This part of the country was known for strawberry production "back in the day," but every success story I've heard involved families with several kids picking strawberries, and selling them off of the back of a truck when the tourists headed for the camp grounds. I'm not looking to make a fortune off strawberries, just a nice patch that produces enough to enjoy in season and make some preserves. I had finally succeeded at the old place, with a nice patch that produced a few gallons a year, but this place has been a challenge. It's rockier and it's drier. The goats and chickens are down right inconsiderate, when it comes to little fenced off patches for gardening projects.
This year I implemented a new plan. I truly believe this one is a gift from Abba. If it works, I'll know it is! Since strawberries do need to be surrounded by straw, I envisioned a natural raised bed that met the needs of the plants themselves, as well as offering a comfortable height for me. Raised beds virtually eliminate the need to weed and this meets that criteria, as well as providing the cover that will be needed for winter.
I can't say how many years this project will hold up, but even as the straw breaks down, it can either be replaced, or simply allowed to "hit ground level." The only perk that will be lost in that case is the height of the bed for my convenience.
I realized there was enough time to let my hair begin to dry before I'd have to pin it back to do chores, so I headed to the shower and enjoyed a few of the fragrant products of the Land of Goshen. I got out of the shower smelling "Squeaky Clean" and Mane Taming!
While my hair was drying I was able to work on a few leads and articles for this week's edition of the Goshen Gazette and enjoy the beautiful fragrance of the neighbor's honey locust trees in bloom. The aroma of honeysuckle filled my office as the gentle southern breeze wafted in the window. As I type, I imagine the new earth will smell something like this . . .
As the evening shadows began to fall, I pinned back my hair and headed out to the milking parlor. The girls are just wonderful, they meet me at the door, and mostly take their turns in calm fashion. The smell of alfalfa hay and the fresh warm milk is unmistakably pleasant in the milking parlor, and lingers long after milking time is completed. With the windows open, the pleasantness of the milking parlor gently hovers at the kitchen window and rustles through my last project of the evening.
Everything was smelling so good that day, I just couldn't resist the idea of a larger window box in the kitchen. As the night sky settled over the Land of Goshen, I transplanted some more herbs for the kitchen window. Even after washing my hands, the fragrance of basil and rosemary lingered on. As I headed to bed, giving thanks, I realized in my own imperfection, Messiah has made it possible for us to enjoy and be blessed in His perfection and the perfect creation of our Heavenly Father.