Today, I'm going to explain the facts of life. It's not about the birds and the bees, it's about the spirit and the flesh and emotions based upon hormones. Naturally, there are Shemotions and Hemotions. There is so much in the news about gender issues, that I think we peculiar folk need a greater understanding than blind obedience. There is nothing wrong with simply being obedient because our Father, our Creator has called us to be, but in dealing with the world around us, it's nice to recognize some of the variables.
For our discussion today, even though the " social programming" says otherwise, we are created male or female. Whether we like it or not, the color of booties immediately makes note of a difference. Back before we knew the gender of the baby on the way, there was a great deal of yellow and mint green, but once the little bundle of joy arrived, pink or blue tended to dominate the "wardrobe" and decor. Now we are experiencing a third perspective, but that doesn't really change the genetic reality, only the social protocol also known as political correctness . . . That's not really the issue I intend to tackle today, though.
We are created spiritual beings with a body, either male or female. The package or container for our spirit does come with some interesting extras, which include emotions and moods. In perfection, our emotions and moods are determined by our spiritual perspective and maturity, but sometimes moods are at least influenced by our physical reality, a.k.a. hormones. I'm sure we can all agree that men and women vary dramatically in their moods based upon hormones.
I am only able to speak of what I've seen and heard, but here goes. When men are driven by hormones, they tend to not think of long term consequences, where as when women are hormonal, the entire future appears to be based upon that temporary perspective. Sadly, what may be just a "moment" for a man, is often viewed as a "future" by a woman. These opposing perspectives alone have probably resulted in at least one sorrowful romantic encounter for most of us. That is to say neither gender makes good decisions when our emotional perspective is ruled by the natural rather than the spiritual, and even after being born again and regeneration has occurred by the Spirit of YHWH, we are still human. Knowing that fact and realizing it "under the influence" are two different things, so there are a few things we can consider to not be run by "hormotions."
Don't make any major decisions at a time when hormones are not at their usual safety level. Mid-life crisis for men or pre-menopause for women are terrible times to choose a big debt item or start another family . . .
For women, even the monthly fluctuation of hormones can be frustrating, not only for ourselves but for those around us. I think that's truly one of the reasons, YHWH said, "Just get on outside of camp for a week. Come back when your outlook on life has improved!"
As we mature spiritually, it is somewhat easier to remain objective rather than "hormotional," but the safest and surest way to avoid a long term problem from short term fluctuation is to set guidelines for ourselves when we are directed by the Spirit and at our level-headed best. Know what time of the month is the worst time to make a major decision and don't make one through that time. Take note of what co-workers just a little older are discussing and consider whether or not that is a place you want to be, when you get there. If there is a particular weakness, seek wise counsel.
Paul addressed it pretty well in I Corinthians 9:27. I'll quote then I'll paraphrase. But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Paraphrase: When my body is feeling out of balance, regardless of what I have said I believe, it is just too easy to lose it!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Traditional Marriage vs. Scriptural Marriage
I'm sharing this information because next month is officially "wedding month" in America. I'm also, personally, sharing this information based upon II Corinthians 12:9a And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness . . . Unlike many religious women, marriage is definitely a weak area in my life. I'm not giving advice about submitting and husband authority or any of that, because I can only speak of that which I know, and I cannot speak of that which I know not! I have made some acquaintances who are followers of Messiah and have recently become Torah observant, who seem to have successful marriages, but I don't actually know anyone who entered marriage as a Torah observant believer, so I don't even have referrals at this time. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying I am unaware of them. This information is actually being presented to address the ceremony and covenant of the wedding itself for holy matrimony. These are just a few things I've considered that may help someone else avoid some pitfalls.
First, do a bit of Googling as to how many superstitions are involved in what we now call "tradition." I recommend avoiding those.
Second, I whole-heartedly suggest you do not get married on Shabbat, for a number of reasons, with the first one being, a wedding is all about the bride and Shabbat already has a purpose. Shabbat is a day of rest, and weddings are anything but . . . then there is the whole kindling of lights, etc. So, six other days are available.
Third, this is a fairly recent understanding to me, as in the last decade. If I was ever going to have a wedding again, I would not obtain a state license. Marriage before YHWH and a covenant with the state are two entirely different things. By definition, a license is special permission (usually in writing) to do something that is ordinarily not permissible. What G-d has joined together, does not need permission, but rather witnesses and celebration, which brings me to my fourth point.
Fourth, whether it's under a chuppah before a Rabbi or a Pastor at the parsonage, those individuals carry the religious authority in our country. You can ask them to officiate without a state license and write the date in your Bible and the congregational records. Rabbis will assist with a ketubah, and some Pastors may also. From what I've read, state licensure came about for interracial marriage, because it was forbidden in many states. Our government just sweetened the pot of licensure to entice everyone to subject themselves to oversight, by offering security and the supervision of assets . . . Congress is to make no law regarding religion, however; without something official, it's just co-habitation and that isn't spoken of well in Scripture. Even in the case of Isaac and Rebekah, there were witnesses and agreements in both places regarding intent and gifts in celebration. It was as if Abraham's servant officiated!
Fifth, if you decide to be somewhat unconventional and avoid the state sponsorship to your marriage, don't just make up your own rules if you want the blessing of our Creator on the union. Marriage isn't about sex, security, convenience, or compatibility, it's about being spiritually joined, in the Will of YHWH and there is no special dispensation for "doing it our own way." There is forgiveness, but I'd have preferred to have done it right and been blessed, rather than my own way which needed forgiveness.
Sixth,be careful where you get your marital advice, and how you apply it. Good advice on the wrong people or circumstances may be of no help. I've taken a lot of advice through the years and failed miserably. There are a number of people who are well intentioned, but are clueless, themselves. Then there are those who simply do not walk what they talk . . . they usually have the most advice.
Seventh and lastly, There's no record that Rome was overseeing the event . . . but Y'hshuwah obviously approved of a ceremony for marriage, in that His first recorded miracle took place at a wedding.
With all the information out there, and so many superstitions and secular traditions woven into a covenant designed by our Creator, avoid mixing holy with unholy. If "holy matrimony" is your desire, then be sure as you make your wedding plans, you surround yourself in prayer support. Make sure independently, and as a couple that you are indeed marrying the soulmate, YHWH has planned for you. Keep in mind, YHWH had your purpose and partner planned before you ever thought about getting married!
First, do a bit of Googling as to how many superstitions are involved in what we now call "tradition." I recommend avoiding those.
Second, I whole-heartedly suggest you do not get married on Shabbat, for a number of reasons, with the first one being, a wedding is all about the bride and Shabbat already has a purpose. Shabbat is a day of rest, and weddings are anything but . . . then there is the whole kindling of lights, etc. So, six other days are available.
Third, this is a fairly recent understanding to me, as in the last decade. If I was ever going to have a wedding again, I would not obtain a state license. Marriage before YHWH and a covenant with the state are two entirely different things. By definition, a license is special permission (usually in writing) to do something that is ordinarily not permissible. What G-d has joined together, does not need permission, but rather witnesses and celebration, which brings me to my fourth point.
Fourth, whether it's under a chuppah before a Rabbi or a Pastor at the parsonage, those individuals carry the religious authority in our country. You can ask them to officiate without a state license and write the date in your Bible and the congregational records. Rabbis will assist with a ketubah, and some Pastors may also. From what I've read, state licensure came about for interracial marriage, because it was forbidden in many states. Our government just sweetened the pot of licensure to entice everyone to subject themselves to oversight, by offering security and the supervision of assets . . . Congress is to make no law regarding religion, however; without something official, it's just co-habitation and that isn't spoken of well in Scripture. Even in the case of Isaac and Rebekah, there were witnesses and agreements in both places regarding intent and gifts in celebration. It was as if Abraham's servant officiated!
Fifth, if you decide to be somewhat unconventional and avoid the state sponsorship to your marriage, don't just make up your own rules if you want the blessing of our Creator on the union. Marriage isn't about sex, security, convenience, or compatibility, it's about being spiritually joined, in the Will of YHWH and there is no special dispensation for "doing it our own way." There is forgiveness, but I'd have preferred to have done it right and been blessed, rather than my own way which needed forgiveness.
Sixth,be careful where you get your marital advice, and how you apply it. Good advice on the wrong people or circumstances may be of no help. I've taken a lot of advice through the years and failed miserably. There are a number of people who are well intentioned, but are clueless, themselves. Then there are those who simply do not walk what they talk . . . they usually have the most advice.
Seventh and lastly, There's no record that Rome was overseeing the event . . . but Y'hshuwah obviously approved of a ceremony for marriage, in that His first recorded miracle took place at a wedding.
With all the information out there, and so many superstitions and secular traditions woven into a covenant designed by our Creator, avoid mixing holy with unholy. If "holy matrimony" is your desire, then be sure as you make your wedding plans, you surround yourself in prayer support. Make sure independently, and as a couple that you are indeed marrying the soulmate, YHWH has planned for you. Keep in mind, YHWH had your purpose and partner planned before you ever thought about getting married!

Sunday, May 12, 2013
A Very Precious Princess
WARNING: This video contains a very controversial individual, but he's not the point. I am not trying to start or contribute to the "religious holy war" right here in America. LIfe is way too short for that, and entirely too rich outside of it! Through the years I've seen true healings, I've seen healings refused, and I've seen charlatans. Now, here is an angel in very special packaging, who didn't get what she went after, but has indeed received from G-d.
Enjoy and be blessed.
Precious Princess
Enjoy and be blessed.
Precious Princess
Saturday, May 4, 2013
A Realization About Myself
I think our society has really done a disservice to both men and women, and the religions have gone right along with it. I'm not sure this isn't maybe contributing to the gay issue. I'm not saying it is, but as a peculiar princess who has made more than my share of marriage failures, I have realized, I enjoy being alone. I love men, don't get me wrong, but in watching other women and listening to how they talk, I realize I don't feel that way about a particular man or the concept of marriage. I haven't had a lot of women friends, but many acquaintances along the way, and often I have felt odd in the conversations, because I simply cannot relate.
I always felt shy, ugly, and awkward, so if a man showed interest, I of course, said yes to the proposal. I was shocked anyone was asking . . . but that made it "about me" and that wasn't right. I think their interest may have been piqued by what appeared to be "listening skills" which as it turns out, I think really is more a matter of "having nothing to say." I'm more of a human doing than a human being, so chit-chat and small talk are not my long suit. I think some men found that refreshing, which is probably how I ended up with the proposals I did.
In realizing I enjoy men as friends and enjoy doing many things most women don't, if I was counting on society to guide me, rather than YHWH, where would I be? I can't help but notice many young men who have grown up without positive role models or worse, overbearing braggarts to which they cannot even relate, much less live up to. Are more men deciding to be single because they just aren't sure how to be "the man?" Or are they looking for a father image and end up equating that to love and persuing alternative relationships? It seems many people are truly giving up or getting very experimental, while many marriages seem to be more about security and image. Now, I'm saying that, as someone who hasn't succeeded.
I also don't understand women who in midlife decide they are through with men, but can't be alone, so they change their gender interest. It's almost as if they are still counting on their "interaction" or refusal to interact with men to be their identity. Actually, I think, as a society, as we tried to re-establish right and wrong, many have lost their individual identities or given up their own ideals. We're all born male or female, why do we need to make up a sexual identity beyond that? I thought the pink and blue bootie idea worked great!
In my days of raising a family, I was fairly good at being a "house mother" type person. I'm more the creative, project type; than the perfect wife, mother or hostess. I'm a responsible person and I have always had a great time with kids and grandkids making dinner and baking goodies. My kitchen has always been a gathering place. Any attempt at an official presentation or even dinner itself, however; is more of an unraveling free range experience, after someone says the prayer. I'm through thinking I'm lacking in so many areas. I have several talents and gifts, but they just don't include what everyone else calls "normal" and I'm really, finally, okay with that. I'm not the perfect woman!
What if there are many people like myself who are just satisfied to be alone, but our society frowns on that? Our society tends to attach a negative image to being single, if you're not a player. Now, if religion is involved you better not be a player, but for the most part, single women are not appreciated in many religious "settings." Even in FB, it's the "church ladies" that unfriend me! There is probably a label for people who don't mind being alone, or there will be soon. Being alone and satisfied means there's no need for any legislation or any societal recognition. Can you see it now, a "single parade" not intended as a "singles group?" The internet is full of sites promoting single meets. Nearly very aspect of our society addresses being single in a negative light, or a need to find someone sort of way, except in some Christian denominations after divorce. G-d did say, "It's not good that man should be alone," but He didn't say that about women.
It seems our society has it so turned around and inside-out, that much of our society is so uncomfortable with their own choices, they need the rest of society to be uncomfortable with them . . . A new kind of "misery loves company." I simply want people to be comfortable and I'd like to be that way also. Knowing the Comforter has made all the difference for me. Before I was in Covenant with YHWH, I tried very hard to fit into normal, but failed. Now, I can face the fact that I love people, but I also need my space. It used to be acceptable for men to be confirmed bachelors or women to be spinsters. Why does everyone have to have a sexual interest identity?
In all of this marriage equality debate, I'd like to ask a simple question. It's as if we just have to keep finding ways to make people doubt their own views or defend them. How much social discomfort is required for political correctness? How much accommodation does one require to feel comfortable with their own lifestyle? Perhaps it was in giving a religious covenant over to the safe-keeping of the government, it became something different than YHWH intended. It's certainly becoming something different now! Now, as for the folks that will undoubtedly not fit into any of the new definitions of sexual interest labels outside of heterosexual, and LBGT . . . What's so wrong with being openly alternative but abstaining; or openly straight and simply have other things to do?
I always felt shy, ugly, and awkward, so if a man showed interest, I of course, said yes to the proposal. I was shocked anyone was asking . . . but that made it "about me" and that wasn't right. I think their interest may have been piqued by what appeared to be "listening skills" which as it turns out, I think really is more a matter of "having nothing to say." I'm more of a human doing than a human being, so chit-chat and small talk are not my long suit. I think some men found that refreshing, which is probably how I ended up with the proposals I did.
In realizing I enjoy men as friends and enjoy doing many things most women don't, if I was counting on society to guide me, rather than YHWH, where would I be? I can't help but notice many young men who have grown up without positive role models or worse, overbearing braggarts to which they cannot even relate, much less live up to. Are more men deciding to be single because they just aren't sure how to be "the man?" Or are they looking for a father image and end up equating that to love and persuing alternative relationships? It seems many people are truly giving up or getting very experimental, while many marriages seem to be more about security and image. Now, I'm saying that, as someone who hasn't succeeded.
I also don't understand women who in midlife decide they are through with men, but can't be alone, so they change their gender interest. It's almost as if they are still counting on their "interaction" or refusal to interact with men to be their identity. Actually, I think, as a society, as we tried to re-establish right and wrong, many have lost their individual identities or given up their own ideals. We're all born male or female, why do we need to make up a sexual identity beyond that? I thought the pink and blue bootie idea worked great!
In my days of raising a family, I was fairly good at being a "house mother" type person. I'm more the creative, project type; than the perfect wife, mother or hostess. I'm a responsible person and I have always had a great time with kids and grandkids making dinner and baking goodies. My kitchen has always been a gathering place. Any attempt at an official presentation or even dinner itself, however; is more of an unraveling free range experience, after someone says the prayer. I'm through thinking I'm lacking in so many areas. I have several talents and gifts, but they just don't include what everyone else calls "normal" and I'm really, finally, okay with that. I'm not the perfect woman!
What if there are many people like myself who are just satisfied to be alone, but our society frowns on that? Our society tends to attach a negative image to being single, if you're not a player. Now, if religion is involved you better not be a player, but for the most part, single women are not appreciated in many religious "settings." Even in FB, it's the "church ladies" that unfriend me! There is probably a label for people who don't mind being alone, or there will be soon. Being alone and satisfied means there's no need for any legislation or any societal recognition. Can you see it now, a "single parade" not intended as a "singles group?" The internet is full of sites promoting single meets. Nearly very aspect of our society addresses being single in a negative light, or a need to find someone sort of way, except in some Christian denominations after divorce. G-d did say, "It's not good that man should be alone," but He didn't say that about women.
It seems our society has it so turned around and inside-out, that much of our society is so uncomfortable with their own choices, they need the rest of society to be uncomfortable with them . . . A new kind of "misery loves company." I simply want people to be comfortable and I'd like to be that way also. Knowing the Comforter has made all the difference for me. Before I was in Covenant with YHWH, I tried very hard to fit into normal, but failed. Now, I can face the fact that I love people, but I also need my space. It used to be acceptable for men to be confirmed bachelors or women to be spinsters. Why does everyone have to have a sexual interest identity?
In all of this marriage equality debate, I'd like to ask a simple question. It's as if we just have to keep finding ways to make people doubt their own views or defend them. How much social discomfort is required for political correctness? How much accommodation does one require to feel comfortable with their own lifestyle? Perhaps it was in giving a religious covenant over to the safe-keeping of the government, it became something different than YHWH intended. It's certainly becoming something different now! Now, as for the folks that will undoubtedly not fit into any of the new definitions of sexual interest labels outside of heterosexual, and LBGT . . . What's so wrong with being openly alternative but abstaining; or openly straight and simply have other things to do?
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